A message from newly appointed Alderman Kevin Kosty:
Hello Everyone! I'm excited to announce that I have accepted the nomination to fill the vacancy on the Board of Alderman and represent Ward 2 of our City of Shelton. Next Thursday will be my first meeting as a member of the board.
I do want to acknowledge and thank Alderwoman Bialek for her service to our town and wish her well in the future. It is a loss for Shelton to no longer have her representing us at City Hall.
I am committed to seeing our City be the best community it can be. From our taxes to our roads, public safety and services.
We do face some tough choices on the budget coming up over the next few months, particularly when it comes to the Board of Education. Years of underfunding have left the school system with large class sizes threatening to go over a 30-to-1 student to teacher ratio in multiple schools and nothing left to cut except for teachers. But I believe we can build a stronger school system that all Shelton residents can take pride in while still maintaining Shelton’s low taxes.
Beyond the budget our downtown still has a parking problem. This is an issue that has been a hot on everyone’s mind at nearly every door I’ve knocked, not just in Ward 2 and downtown, but in every part of town when I’ve knocked doors or our State government candidates in other wards. It's also been part of the Shelton Democrats platform for many years while our opposition has denied there was an issue. A private developer has proposed a parking structure, which I believe means our voices calling for change are being heard. But providing parking in smaller cities is generally not a lucrative business so we cannot rely on private investment as a long-term strategy. City government must plan ahead for issues such as parking, affordable housing, and other City development issues before they become problems.