July 26, 2021
Shelton Democrats are announcing their "The Change We Need, The Team You Deserve" with a full slate of endorsed Democratic candidates in this fall's municipal election.
The campaign is about keeping taxes low and improving quality of life and services in town. With new leadership and vision, we can have a thriving downtown, smart and well planned economic development, improved public safety and stronger schools. It is about transparency, working together, leveling the playing field for business and investment, and setting priorities.
The Shelton Democratic Town Committee met and nominated: Mayor David Eldridge
Planning and Zoning Jimmy Tickey Nancy Dickal John Uysal (alternate)
Board of Education Kate Kutash Patti Moonan Diana Meyer Lorraine Rossner Joan Littlefied
Board of Apportionment and Taxation Joe Knapik Jarrett Frazier Denese Deeds
Board of Library Directors Jean Cayer
David Eldrige, the endorsed Democratic Mayoral candidate, said "I am running for Mayor and I am in it to win. I commit to maintaining our low tax rate, but I will do a better job managing our city and our resources so we can improve our infrastructure and quality of life for the future. The vision we have had here for thirty years is out of gas. We need new energy, someone who knows how to solve problems and is willing to work with people. I am ready to work tirelessly for the people of Shelton"
David Gioiello, Chair of the Shelton Democrats, noted, "The Shelton Democrats have a plan to effectively govern but we need your help at the ballot box in November. Together, we will bring the change we need with the team you deserve."
Shelton Democratic Town Committee Wards also met and nominated for Board of Alderman: Ward 1 David Gioiello Wayne Bragg
Ward 2 Kevin Kosty Michelle Bialek
Ward 3 Michael Duncan Matt McGee
Ward 4 Amanda Kilmartin Michelle Laubin