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Shelton Democrat BOE Members Welcome New Board Appointee


The following letter was sent by our Democratic Board of Education members to the Shelton Herald.

To the Editor,

The Democratic members of the Shelton Board of Education would like to welcome James Feehan to his newly appointed position on our board. We read with interest the January 12th Shelton Herald article and letter to the editor that were typical as far as announcement articles go until the following statement was made: "The charter only allows five members of any one party to be on the Board of Education although all the Republican candidates received more votes than their Democrat opponents."

That one sentence demonstrates the false perpetual belief that the Republican Party in Shelton reigns supreme. This deliberate misinformation is conveyed constantly in Shelton and simply is not true. Several democratic candidates on the current BOE received more votes than their republican counterparts and all democratic candidates finished above the last places on the ballot. This deliberate misinformation must be called out as little more than perpetual false information. 

It is important to note that the current 5/4 party split on the BOE provides the foundation for bipartisan negotiation and collaboration. Our board has successfully navigated a difficult budget season and a challenging health pandemic putting our student’s needs first and party politics a distant last by working together. We are sure Mr. Freehan will use his knowledge and past service to the Town of Stratford in his new appointed position on the Shelton Board of Education. We welcome his input and his participation in our active bipartisan environment that has been successful in the past through the hard work of all of its vested members.


Kate Kutash, Diana Meyer, Patti Moonan, & Lorraine Rossner

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Paid for by the Shelton Democratic Town Committee. Denese Deeds, Treasurer.

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